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Summer camps, school trips

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Summer camps, school trips

School trips are the favorite point of the program in the student's calendar. Who among us does not remember the euphoria that appeared at the thought of leaving the class? The slogan: going on a trip has always caused a revival of class life. That is now. Busses arriving in front of the school gate still cause the young heart's accelerated beating. The auctions are still being conducted: who is sitting with whom and who will be in the room with whom. As in the past, now also departing globetrotters, say goodbye to parents who escort children and wave them goodbye. Much has changed recently in Polish school, but this point remains unchanged: a school trip is a great attraction! The green school, or the transfer of didactic and educational activities outside the school bench, into another place, attractive in many respects, is a great way to shape the child's mind, character and personality. Learning, in direct contact with the surrounding reality, favors creative thinking and acting. The interaction of children with nature, knowledge of its rights and awareness of environmental risks give a chance to shape appropriate attitudes towards nature, specific values ​​and pro-health attitudes.
On the other hand, active recreation in the open air, shared games and experienced joys are the best way to integrate the student team. These truths are known to class teachers, which is why the teachers care about you, that the pupils at least once a year take part in a class escapade. The organization of children's trips, whether on a trip, a green school or a colony, is a real challenge for the rest manager. The safety of children during their stay outside of school is the most important thing. Some teachers organize the trips into the hands of specialized travel agencies that take on the trouble of planning attractions. Usually this is associated with a higher price for the trip, and this amount is often too high for parents. Hence a fairly common situation in the Polish school, where only part of the students participate in the class trip. That is why it is worth planning a trip yourself. Let us remember that the organizer of the trip may also be parents who, under the direction of a teacher, can help the planning of the trip. The most important point of the program is the choice of accommodation. Youth hostels and tourist hostels are places that gladly accept school groups. When planning a trip, it is worth visiting the websites of the e-tourist social network, where there is a list of such facilities. There are a lot of them and they are scattered almost all over Poland. Of course, the most offers apply to the most-visited and most-visited places. Among them, there are seaside cities, hostels in the Beskidy, Bieszczady, and Tatras, as well as youth hostels in Krakow, Gdansk, Wroclaw and Warsaw. Internats, Houses of Scouts, School Youth Hostels, Mountain Shelters PTTK await students. We encourage you to organize a trip together with the e-tourist portal!